Your Expectations

Pilot Your Health and Safety

TDC Sécurité enables tou to move up to a new dimension: thanks to software you will have real indicators and dashboardsthat will help you to steer your prevention of risks at workplace. You will pass from gatherin information to a more comprehensive and efficient...

Prove the Right Level of Risk Management

It is strategic that you can prove the 'good' level of Heaslth and Safety Risk Management TDC Sécurité is the solution that will enable you to prove at any time and instantly that your risk analyses evolve regularly, through our innovative system of change history...

Regulatory Compliance With Less Efforts

With TDC Sécurité software (that is used by French INRS) you are guided to reliable methods in compliance with Health and Safety Regulations. The Occupational Risk Assessment Report, the individual sheets of painfulness, Chemical Safety Assessment, etc. are printable...

Contribute to Dissemination of Risk Culture and to Motivation

Involvement of Staff and Decision Makers, Up to Date HSE Indicators , Automatic Reports and Syntheses Easy Action Plan Management. Thanks to the traceability of all data changes (who did what and when), your can delegate the updates of part of your risk analysis and...

Logiciel document unique, logiciel évaluation risque chimique
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