It is strategic that you can prove the ‘good’ level of Heaslth and Safety Risk Management

TDC Sécurité is the solution that will enable you to prove at any time and instantly that your risk analyses evolve regularly, through our innovative system of change history (traceability).

Traceability and Justification

The management of Risk Assessment evolution is facilitated by regular automatic records of all performed changes and their doers: company’s development, new sources of danger and risk types, action plan results…

Thus TDC Sécurité enables you to have permanent access to changes logs on all data. This also allows justifying the continuous improvement of Occupational Risk Assessment Report. You can prove that your annual updates are well done by highlighting (text in red, for example) what has been changed since the beginning of the year or the last Health and Safety Committee meeting, for example.

Exemple de l'historique des modifications sur une donnée

Exemple de l’historique des modifications sur une donnée

TDC Sécurité enables you to improve considerably your image vis-à-vis your internal customers becoming more and more demanding (Health & Safety Committee…), or vis-à-vis different inspection bodies (Labour Inspectorate, etc.).

Access to TDC Sécurité References… 

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