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Mr. Couturier is the Prevention Adviser on health and safety at work attached to th Human Ressources Direction for the Great Pontarlier federation of municipalities. He is also in charge of the Pontarlier town, and the Communal Social Action Center.

Interview – March 2016.


Communauté de Communes de Grand Pontarlier is a federation of 10 municipatilies around Pontarlier town. It has 27 571 inhabitants on a 15 350 hectares area. This inter-municipal cooperation structure acts to ensure equitable and homogeneous territory development.

The action in health and safety at work is for 480 agents. Prevention policy aims the improvement of working conditions and the implementation of a safety management approach.

How Do You Work with TDC Sécurité and its Documents ?

As Prevension Adviser, I pilot the workplace Risk Analysis, update the reports and manage action plan. I regularly meet the Service Responsibles to follow their actions, using the adapted part of documents : generally their part of Risk Analysis Report and action plan in order to facilitate the discussion and the group meeting. The global Occupational Risk Assessment report (compulsory in France) is not a support to meeting, it remains at the disposal of employees and of health and safety committees.

The list of the validated Training and Certifications handled in one of the software modules is eagerly awaited by some particular technical services who use it as a day-to-day decision support tool: for a example the site foreman knows instantly who is entitled to work on a high voltage maintenance work, The distribution of work is then consistent with the safety management.

As soon as an action is finished, I complte the action plan and get off the risk status. What is good with TDC Sécurité, is that you always keep a residual risk. Previously, when I was just using Word and Excel, it was complicated: the risk was deleted instead of being limited, which was not very relevant.

I am assisted by 4 prevention assistants who work in the field, conduct training and information to staff. We have the difficulty of being both big and small: small team and a lot of jobs for highly multi-skilled collaborators.
like many municipalities, few job instructions are written, and missions are very short.

The safety management is therefore all the more important, the Workplace Risk Assessment serves the daily awareness.

What Triggered the Purchase of a Specific Software in 2012?

I am Prevention Advisor since 2005, we worked of course on security since the beginning, but it was not as good as it would have liked on the identification and management of the action plans. Convergence between municipalities, pooling services brought a growing complexity. Our old Excel Macros could no longer answer to our needs…

Satisfied with TDC Sécurité Software ?

Yes, I’m very happy with the TDC Sécurité software: the tree that represents our Organization is very easy to modify in case of the reorganizations, the updates on a daily basis is very easy to use. The synthesis of the Occupational Risk Assessment Report which takes in few pages is interesting.

What Benefits for Your Municipality

Impossible to give a precise financial gain. The quality of the process is preserves despite the number of new employees and services to integrate into the OHS approach.
However, the gains in terms of clarity and quality are indisputable. The organizational changes are done by simple copy/paste of the tree. Selecting items within libraries is very convenient. As soon as I am asked for a regulatory information, I can accompany this information by the concerned element of workplace risk analysis,almost instantaneously. It allows to be reactive.
The culture of prevention initiated by the municipalities is well integrated by agents throughout their professional activities, feedbacks come regularly and are teken into account.

The daily prevention work is better understood: meetings are facilitated with the service management and the directors around the generated documents, changes are quick to realize as soon as the status of an action has evolved, a workstation evolves or when services are reorganised.

Do You Recommend TDC Sécurité Software?

Yes, and I already did it !

To Know More…

Logiciel Document Unique – Plan d’actions – Pénibilité au Travail  – Accidents du Travail
Habilitations/Formations  –  ATEX  ISO 14001  –  Plan de prévention
D’autres témoignages ….

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To know more about the Communauté de Communes Grand Pontarlier

Logiciel document unique, logiciel évaluation risque chimique
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